What a week!! Before I tell you about what went on this past week I want to start by saying how more and more each day I am truly coming to understand just what a wonderful Mother I was given. The way she always sought to bring us closer to the Lord, and push us towards our best potential in general, is part of the reason I am where I am today. In proverbs we read that a Godly mothers children rise up and praise her, and so that is what I am doing today. Praising her for the kind of mother she was and still is. I am saddened that All I could give her on this day was a card, but am at least thankfully it made it safe and sound to the states! :) Especially considering I wasn't quite sure what the post office lady was saying to me as she was throwing it into a box! I love you mommy!
So this past week was a favorite of mine, as it was Spirit week at the school! Each day 1 or 2 children from each class would win a prize for the Best Dressed, and boy did they dress to impress!! For example this little dude on Super Hero day!! Aaron won the prize for best dressed -Hulk- getup! And he earned that lollipop because Poor little buddy, by the end of the day he looked miserable with how itchy he was! |
The second day was twin day!! And the winners were Shiloh And Bi! I mean come on, how cute are their little faces with those little top hats!! |
However, CLEARLY Bi was tired of Ms.Candace taking pictures! :) |
Every afternoon when we have story time, I have started teaching them different songs as well! " Do your ears hang low" was the hit of the month I do believe! Every day I call up two at a time to do it just themselves and they just laugh and laugh and laugh! Especially with the "ear hanging low" motions! :) I've found that teaching them songs is my favorite time of the day, because they seem to pick them up and learn them so quickly ( And of course its getting them familiar with English at the same time! Thankfully i'm using a resource in the classroom that has all of the children's songs you could ever remember from childhood and even more! At this point they could do a concert consisting of about 6 songs complete with their hand motions! 1. Jesus Loves Me 2. This little light of Mine 3. Father Abraham 4. The B-I-B-L-E 5. Do your ears hang low. 6. If your happy and you know it! |
Another set of twins! |
For some reason on "superhero" day the girls all wore princess dresses...except Esther!! She showed up in my FAVORITE power ranger EVER-the Pink one!!! I loved her even more for it! haha. |
I was trying to figure out what princesses had to do with Super Hero and so I started thinking of all the Disney movies and came to a realization. MOST the Disney Princesses actually had a Super power...and liked to help people?! :) Think about it. |
My personal favorite theme day was NERD DAY!! AHHH Shiloh! |
Our superhero's in Order: Tomas was a "Skateboarder Missionary" ( because his dad actually really is a missionary to the Skateboard community here in Santiago...SO sweet) Hulk, Spider man 1 and 2 and a Pilot ( very touching ) :) |
Crazy Hair day winner!!! Sweet little Esther! |
Such a little Latino Stud muffin already! |
At the end of the Spirit week we of course had to come up with a great gift for our wonderful Mothers!! So what do you do when your on a STRICT budget? Use your feet and different colored paint! What mom doesn't love their little ones footprints and a hand written letter?! I think not very many . There aren't too many things cuter than a little ones footprints, In my opinion. |
On each Letter they wrote 3 things they loved about their mommies. For example I had a " She is pretty, She cooks for me, She hugs me, She takes me to the park, She is sweet, She buys me things." Ect. |
So ticklish! They had me laughing so hard, I ended up having paint all over myself as well! |
:) |
And of course I had to participate.... |
Nerd-ets :) |
For twin day, I chose to create my own twin..and named her Candisa. Except she spoke Spanish. But usually she wouldn't respond which led Juan Jose to frustration when he asked " Why doesn't she ever talk back to me!!" |
The wonderful week ended with spending the day at Word Of Life to cheer on SCA's team as they played in the Futbol Tournement! The Lord really worked through the message and special service in the middle of the after and many young people received Christ into their hearts! Now it is our prayer that the Lord will bring Mentors into their lives so they can grow through discipleship. And in the picture is Cody who recently received Christ into his heart as well!! |
They played from 8am-6pm! They love their Futbol here, and I love to watch it here!! |
We spend mothers day having a special tea after Church for the mothers ( where everything...down to the chocolates were home made by women in the church) and then a special lunch with just the family. :) How thankful I am to be a part of this family, and how kind it was of the Lord to of allowed them to play such a significant role in this part of my story. She is a precious mom away from mom . :) |
This sums us both up pretty well! |
Then to finish up the week two of my sweet friends Susan and Sharon are coming over and we are going to drink a hot cup of coffee since it is freezing, and just enjoy each others company!
3 Things about this week I was blessed by.
The reminder that the Lord not only gave me a wonderful mother and family back home, but has doubly blessed me with my extended family here!
MY little ones-Seeing Each of them in their little costumes just blessed my heart! Their personalities are all so different and I find I learn more and more about each of their special personalities as the time goes on.
My church Family. I'm excited I've learned the Metro route to get to the church is not difficult at all!! And that is exciting because between the different bible studies/worship practices and just fellowships take place...it will be just like back home, I'll be at church more than any other place!!:)
Thank you for your continued prayers...this coming week will mark 3 months in Santiago, and I just praise the Lord for the continued growth in my Spanish speaking and comprehension, as well as just a pure love for this country. His grace is sufficient for me.
A praise I want to share with you was being able to purchase tickets to go back to the states for an ABWE training conference! Now...You might be thinking my count down is for the training right?! Nope! That countdown is for the blessing of spending a couple days with my wonderful parents while I am there!! YAY!! :)
Proverbs 31:
"Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
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