It is amazing to me at how ignorant of the sin battle between the evil principalities and the devil I can unknowingly be. How quickly I can forget that there is a battle raging in the midst of every minute of my day and that because of that battle, until the day that I go home to be with my Lord, the "hits, bombs, and blows" are always going to be thrust towards the same target. Pride. I remember being in highschool and dealing with "clicks" and often would think " UGH I can't wait to be out of highschool and away from this kind of unkindness and selfishness."-Because surely myself and all of my peers will be so much less prideful and more mature one in Collage! Only to arrive at Collage and see the same battle raging and that same target always being the one hit....not only in others, but in my own heart.Yet, I still chose to look ahead and think " Well when I graduate and get into the real world with adults it will be better." Haha...and of course the cycle continued. I got a job working in a Secular enviroment and when I saw that target being hit even more than ever, I assumed it was "because this is a secular envirement and these are unbelievers, maybe when I go on the mission field and work with believers it will be different." AHH, Im embarrassed to even admit that my thought process was so scewed, and not even founded on what the Bible says our days will look like. Why is it so easy to assume the "grass is always greener on the other side" especially when we are living in a body that is constantly fighting its natural bent towards sin. One of the main sins I believe man is bent towards, is Pride. As I approached the mission field those same unrealistic expectations and hopes all seemed to come to a head, and Im thankful for the reality check it has served me. I believe after all those years of looking ahead when times were rough and saying " well then it will be, or if i was there I would, ect" and excepting the fact that I live in a fallen state , a state that is desperate for Our Saviors daily grace and Strength. Hurt, Gossip, Slander, Selfishness, Pride, Jealousy, will always be a part of this race here on earth. And the Lord's word reminded me of that this week as I came to it needing refreshman and hope. A few of the verses He led me too where.. Proverbs 19:11 which says "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense." 1 Peter 4:12-13 "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.." 1 Peter 1:13 "Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is Holy, you also be holy in all your conduct." - Actions and Attitudes. 1 Peter 2:8-11 "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. For whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it." Galations; 6:8-10 "For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow eary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Whether your in highschool, College, Seminary, working in the ministry ( my dad has served as the perfect example of how the devil targets even more, those who are faithfully serving the Lord) a missionary in your workplace in the states, or a missionary overseas, we are all flawed and in need of the grace of our Savior. If we are seeking the Lord then we wear a traget on our backs, that the devil and his helpers hone in on. When we, even for a second, begin to waver in our time wth the Lord, we invite that taget to be hit. And pride will be the first to rear its ugly head. : "God never hurts us needlessly and He never wastes our pain; For every loss He sends to us is fololwed by rich gain. And when we count the blessings that God has so freely sent, We will find no cause for murmuring and no time to lament. For our Father loves His children and to Him all things are plain; He never sends us pleasure when the soul's deep need is pain, So whenever we are troubled and when everything goes wrong, It is just God working in us to make our spirits strong."In light of that, how thankful I am for the friendships the Lord has Sovereignly placed in my life here, to encourage me as this harsh reality seemed to hit this past week. He is in control. His timing is perfect, and the trials HE allows us to go through...all serve a purpose. It made days of rejoicing and refreshmant with 3 of my dear saints of the faith, surrounded by God's creation that much more special. I share about that beautiful day in the post before this one! :) |

Sunday, March 25, 2012
True Love covers offenses
Why not White Water Raft in the Andes?! :)
As we were walking down that gravel road we spotted little cottages off in the distance! So quaint and adorable. |
The restraunt where we ate some amazing Fish and Potatoes! It looked like something straight out of a movie. |
Inside the restraunt. It looked a little bit like a Cottage/Teepee/ A place where Snow White might of lived. |
The dear Missionary Lady that I mentioned in blog. Her love for the Lord and for this country truly inspire me. |
Not flattering, but it kept me warm! ( and was super hard to get on and off-Yikes) |
Listening to all the rules and guidelines for our big adventure on the water! Thankfully we had an English Guide! |
I think we had enough padding on. But we needed it, because the water was freezing! I think at this point I had on 5 layers. |
We had to hike down a mountain of boulders, but we all made it! I was so proud of those woman. As they said more than once, " I am keeping them young!" |
How great is our God, sing with me how GREAT is our GOD!!! |
Layer 2 and 3 |
Layer 4- LETS GO!!! |
Layer 1 |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
I do apologize for being a week late in updating you guys on what the Lord is doing down here, it is not because I have not had substantial things to write about, be it praises, prayer request, thoughts interesting findings, neat experiences, fresh burdens of lessons learned...and still learning- but rather...I haven't had the time. Part of the reason I hadn't the time was because this time last weekend I was without a computer! Yes! I fried my power cord! The first of many struggles that came last week...but I praise the Lord for his faithfulness in even that situation, to provide a fellow missionary who was savy with computers and knew of where to replace my cord!
Another reason I didn't write last weekend was because I ( but of course :)) caught the stomach bug that was creeping around the school...finding its way into unsuspecting victims, and that knocked me out for a good 2 days. But yet again, I must praise my Lord for providing me with loving friends who brought me chicken Rice soup which is very common here, and very tasty! They also got me saltine crackers and Ginger Ale- The Saltine crackers were very different than the ones in the states taste wise, but they fed me well for a couple meals. I am so incredibly thankful to the ones who knew I was sick or had a broken computer and lifted me up in prayer. :) When sitting back and thinking of the fact that I've drank the water since my first day here, been in the classroom now for 1 month, and eaten numerous things my stomach had never been introduced too before, I am amazed that I have only been sick once! Guess all those vitamins are paying off! Gotta love buy one get one free vitamin sales!
I tried my hand at cooking this past week in my little kitchen, and am just now getting to where my heart doesn't start racing and I jump out of my skin when attempting to light my ....gas stove. It isn't just any gas stove though, it is one of the designs where you have to lean into the stove...put the lighter in a hole and hold your hand out just enough so that you don't feel the heat of the flame. haha.... I think my roommate is relieved to know A. I won't ever burn the house down if she isn't around to help me light it because.. B. I can do it myself...and she is C. Thankful I can do it by myself because the first week here I was telling her It would never happen!
Oh the little things in life that can bring pleasure by the simplicity of its achievement, be it small or big. I think so often we don't allow ourselves to find enjoyment or any sense of pleasure at the achievement of little or big goals, be it finishing a "To-do list", painting a pretty picture, cooking an amazing meal that makes everyone fat and happy, running a farther distance, finding a good sale and using self discipline in walking away from what wasn't on sale, or whatever other good thing that is accomplished. May we thank the Lord for allowing us to reach those big or small achievements, always!
Oh yea, If you were wondering what I was Chicken Alfredo, spaghetti, and Bar-B-Q Chicken!
I went downtown for a walk the other night and I believe everything from the smell of fresh cut grass in a park, in the middle of an otherwise concrete jungle, is one of the coolest things to me. This park was very much like a Central Park is to NYC. Couples and just family and friends were happily lounging on the grass, picnics taking place with giggling children and barking dogs, Gravel paths surrounded on both sides by lamppost that resembled the old London look, water fountains sprinkling every other sitting area, the sound of lively music drifting through the air, as every outdoor restaurant plays different styles of music...I enjoyed trying to figure out if it was an American song or not. Thus far I've heard Beach Boys, Elvis, Celine Dion, and country...surprisingly?! Who knew!? Another thing I found in this park, as I have found in others here, was a litter of stray puppies waiting to be held ( so much nicer than going to a Pet Smart and waiting for a supervised, timed visit :)) and of course I sat down right there on the path and held the dirty little cuties. I do believe one of my favorite things to do in this life is go walking, and here in Santiago, I am finding there are so many beautiful different places to enjoy a good walk.
I am thankful to say that, after 3 weeks of trying to come up with my own lesson plans from the resources I found in my room when I got there, I was thrilled when given 13 Abeka ( Bob Jones) Pre-K workbooks. What was even cuter was when I presented each child with their own book...they got the biggest smiles of their faces, and some even clapped. :) They are doing so well and after trying to figure out what to have them call me, having been told the professional name would be Ms. Davey, but personally favoring Ms. Candace due to it seeming more personal.....WELL they have made up their minds, and have all decided to call me Tia. It means "Aunt"in Spanish and from the end of the first week as they became more comfortable with me, I started hearing their sweet little voices calling me the endearing name, and I simply love it, because of what it stands for. They know me, they are familiar with me, and they consider me family. TO my God be all the glory for what He Has and Will continue to do.
I must say I am saddened at the thought of in 3 short months many of them will be moving up to Kindergarten. Ah, I pray that I never loose sight of savoring each day I have with each of these little ones.
I can't wait to upload the video of them singing Jesus Loves Me, complete with a little sign language, while ill be singing the verses in English as Camila sings in Spanish.....on its just going to be too sweet! But you will have to wait until Easter for it, because that is when we will be performing it ...for the Easter Production here at the school!:)
One struggle I was having this past month I've been here was finding a church body to become a part of while here. And though the 3 I had visited in a row were all wonderful Christ honoring bodies, I hadn't felt a connection or a true sense of peace, until last week. There are many reasons why I will always believe my co teacher Camila was a gift from my Lord, and inviting me to her church is just another one of those reasons. It is my church Home, and I knew it from literally the first 5 minutes I was there.
I got together with my chilean friend Carolina this past weekend and it was a wonderful time to get to know her a little bit better . However because we were with a group of other missionaries ( we went to a zoo that was literally made into the side of a mountain...a lot of walking up and down hills but very cool:)) I am looking forward to spending one on one time with her next friday, and praying I can be an encouragement to her. She seems to of gone through a lot in her 28 years...we all have different stories, and I look forward to hearing more of hers.
I went to the baby/toddler orphanage today and am continuing to pray that the Lord opens the door for me to be able to go once ( if not more) a week for a couple hours to just hold and love on the little ones. One of the SCA school directors is going to write a letter of recommendation for the orphanage, as well as a fellow staff member has a friendship with the orphanage because of having adopted from them years ago, so I am seeing the Lord's hand already moving. However, after touring the tiny house sized orphanage and being embraced by a pair of chubby arms and a huge smile reaching out towards me, I am struggling with patience. SO please pray. My heart is heavy tonight, How I charge each of you reading this to join with me and pray for all 23 of the little innocent, beautiful babies at that orphanage and all other orphanages. In our blessed and busy lives, I fear its so easy to forget to do, and I pray the image of those babies lying on a mattress crying to be held never leaves my mind...but be the propeller that stirs me on towards continually lifting them up. The only solace I had walking away from those little ones today was found in reminding myself....He is father to the fatherless, and He knows them all by name already.
Well I believe that is it for the past two weeks, so I will end by saying...this past month could not of gone any smoother transition wise, I have found my church home, I have a foot in the door of an orphanage ministry ( that can be very difficult to get into), I've been able to find some true friends, I can speak a few more words :),I can remember all of my kids -Chilean and Korean- names and now receive more hugs than I can count in a day from each other them, I've felt the presence of the Lord often, and the times I could not...He was still faithful, and I thank your prayers for all of those things. How undeserving I am of so many Godly saints choosing to lift me up before the throne of our Lord.
We serve an active God...who is working all over the people's hearts of every color, ethnicity, language and social status.
There are millions of orphans who need a mommy and daddy....and to learn that they are loved by a King- Pray for them daily
Take time to appreciate and find pleasure in the little accomplishments you achieve throughout the day- be it big or small!
And lastly, If you ever have money for a vacation and don't know where to go, Chile is awesome. :)
Another reason I didn't write last weekend was because I ( but of course :)) caught the stomach bug that was creeping around the school...finding its way into unsuspecting victims, and that knocked me out for a good 2 days. But yet again, I must praise my Lord for providing me with loving friends who brought me chicken Rice soup which is very common here, and very tasty! They also got me saltine crackers and Ginger Ale- The Saltine crackers were very different than the ones in the states taste wise, but they fed me well for a couple meals. I am so incredibly thankful to the ones who knew I was sick or had a broken computer and lifted me up in prayer. :) When sitting back and thinking of the fact that I've drank the water since my first day here, been in the classroom now for 1 month, and eaten numerous things my stomach had never been introduced too before, I am amazed that I have only been sick once! Guess all those vitamins are paying off! Gotta love buy one get one free vitamin sales!
I tried my hand at cooking this past week in my little kitchen, and am just now getting to where my heart doesn't start racing and I jump out of my skin when attempting to light my ....gas stove. It isn't just any gas stove though, it is one of the designs where you have to lean into the stove...put the lighter in a hole and hold your hand out just enough so that you don't feel the heat of the flame. haha.... I think my roommate is relieved to know A. I won't ever burn the house down if she isn't around to help me light it because.. B. I can do it myself...and she is C. Thankful I can do it by myself because the first week here I was telling her It would never happen!
Oh the little things in life that can bring pleasure by the simplicity of its achievement, be it small or big. I think so often we don't allow ourselves to find enjoyment or any sense of pleasure at the achievement of little or big goals, be it finishing a "To-do list", painting a pretty picture, cooking an amazing meal that makes everyone fat and happy, running a farther distance, finding a good sale and using self discipline in walking away from what wasn't on sale, or whatever other good thing that is accomplished. May we thank the Lord for allowing us to reach those big or small achievements, always!
Oh yea, If you were wondering what I was Chicken Alfredo, spaghetti, and Bar-B-Q Chicken!

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The Museum of "Beautiful Art" -Amazing.. |
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The Building that was built to resemble a cell phone |
I am thankful to say that, after 3 weeks of trying to come up with my own lesson plans from the resources I found in my room when I got there, I was thrilled when given 13 Abeka ( Bob Jones) Pre-K workbooks. What was even cuter was when I presented each child with their own book...they got the biggest smiles of their faces, and some even clapped. :) They are doing so well and after trying to figure out what to have them call me, having been told the professional name would be Ms. Davey, but personally favoring Ms. Candace due to it seeming more personal.....WELL they have made up their minds, and have all decided to call me Tia. It means "Aunt"in Spanish and from the end of the first week as they became more comfortable with me, I started hearing their sweet little voices calling me the endearing name, and I simply love it, because of what it stands for. They know me, they are familiar with me, and they consider me family. TO my God be all the glory for what He Has and Will continue to do.
I must say I am saddened at the thought of in 3 short months many of them will be moving up to Kindergarten. Ah, I pray that I never loose sight of savoring each day I have with each of these little ones.
I can't wait to upload the video of them singing Jesus Loves Me, complete with a little sign language, while ill be singing the verses in English as Camila sings in Spanish.....on its just going to be too sweet! But you will have to wait until Easter for it, because that is when we will be performing it ...for the Easter Production here at the school!:)
One struggle I was having this past month I've been here was finding a church body to become a part of while here. And though the 3 I had visited in a row were all wonderful Christ honoring bodies, I hadn't felt a connection or a true sense of peace, until last week. There are many reasons why I will always believe my co teacher Camila was a gift from my Lord, and inviting me to her church is just another one of those reasons. It is my church Home, and I knew it from literally the first 5 minutes I was there.
I got together with my chilean friend Carolina this past weekend and it was a wonderful time to get to know her a little bit better . However because we were with a group of other missionaries ( we went to a zoo that was literally made into the side of a mountain...a lot of walking up and down hills but very cool:)) I am looking forward to spending one on one time with her next friday, and praying I can be an encouragement to her. She seems to of gone through a lot in her 28 years...we all have different stories, and I look forward to hearing more of hers.

Hebrews 11
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
We serve an active God...who is working all over the people's hearts of every color, ethnicity, language and social status.
There are millions of orphans who need a mommy and daddy....and to learn that they are loved by a King- Pray for them daily
Take time to appreciate and find pleasure in the little accomplishments you achieve throughout the day- be it big or small!
And lastly, If you ever have money for a vacation and don't know where to go, Chile is awesome. :)
Susan, A fellow missionary teacher...and already a good friend. |
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Week one is over...and to be able to properly touch on every detail, story, or fun fact of this past week...I am going to compile a list for ya. :)
- I discovered that a cup of coffee in the morning is just as much a necessity in South America as it is in North America...and I am grateful the school has a "break room" that is always stocked with a pot of coffee, and yummy American creamer (brought back by teachers from the states!)
- I enjoy on every evening walk ( around the gated premises of the school, no worries daddy) finding a new fruit tree or bush. So far I've found lemon trees, avacado, and grapes.
- My sleep schedule is finally consistent and after almost 2 weeks...I've figured out what my new "normal" daily routine will look like...and that is a blessing.
- Whenever a siren goes off, proceeding it is a chorus of howls from every direction ( because every household owns a dog in Santiago) and whenever it happens, I feel like iv been transported into the scene of 101 Dalmatians when all the dogs in the city are howling in warning to each other of the bad guys coming!
- My first day of school was full of jitters and uncertainty, What would they be like? Would they speak english? Would they take to me? Would the parents speak English? Would they take to me? All of those questions running through my mind leading up to that moment of being introduced to the parents and of meeting each child one by one was, were by the end of the first day...laid to rest. It was an almost immediate connection to many of the little ones and to the others ( a few of the Korean students) I had already expected them to be more reserved to begin with. The parents were friendly, though only 4 out of 13 sets can speak English, they always smile...kiss me on the side of the cheek, as is the respectful way of greeting in Chile ( and yes, sometimes I still forget to go in for the kiss!) and we both say "Hola". I felt from the first day that I was appreciated by the parents, and many of them asked ( by an interpreter) why i chose to come from America to their country? It was a great opportunity to share with them that I was there because...of my Lord Jesus Christ leading me, and that I was so excited to be serving them at SCA. By Wed 1 of the 3 of my Korean girls, at the beginning of the morning and throughout the day, would run up to me and just hug me. The first time it happened, because of sheer shock, I didn't respond immediately but just stood there, haha! Of course I hugged her when I had regained composure ( literally) and that continued throughout the week. Man how it made my heart sore, to see the Lord so quickly build a connection and a warmth between my little, sweet, all very different, munchkins.
- The people here appreciate when I try to speak Spanish, and I pray for more confidence in going out on a limb and trying to speak instead of shying away and not speaking at is easy to do.
- It gets so cold at night and in the mornings its usually in the 50s&60s but by noon this week it was in the 90s! The no humidity is a blessing though because our school buildings have no air conditioning, but in the shade or in the buildings...its stays around 70 which isn't too bad! But dressing when its cold outside tends to get confusing, and by mid day i've shed a layer!
- I enjoy Girl's Nights at the Hagerty's beautiful house with other female missionary ladies. Good food and a good game like Gestures turned into a tradition! Im thankful the Lord used me to get it started. Its needed....quality time with other believers, and woman! I have gained 3 moms as they like to say. haha
- I cried watching The Help more the second time than the first
- My co teacher Camila and I are true sisters at heart. Even though we can't speak to each other very well...we started on Friday mornings to meet and work on language. She wants to learn more English, so I praise the Lord for giving me that relationship that is both friend and tutor!
- I missed my family for the first a true longing and aching in my heart, on Thursday. I want to tell you that the Lord was so kind in those hours to allow me to feel His comforting presence when I needed to. I did open the music box that was given to me and smelled nannies perfume (given to me by my mom). :)
- I have been so ungrateful for so many things in my life...and there is nothing like sitting in a single lady missionaries home who has served alone in Chile for 25 years, who has very little in every aspect, but who has so much in light of eternity and of eternal value. As I sat in her living room and heard her tell me she still desired to get married and always had, but she was waiting on the Lord, I get tears in my eyes even as I write that, this the Lord has kept her waiting on one desire of her heart...has worked through an inspiring way. She works with convicted criminals, teaches sunday school to 9 year olds, teaches for free at a christian university, and reaches out to her unsaved neighbors and anyone eles who is around, she has been so gracious in reaching out to even me. She is living a life that will have eternal rewards so vast, and a life that glorifies her Lord..and as i sat listening to her i saw her old curtains and shedding torn walpapered a beautiful picture of Christ. From the outside he was not desirable but who He was on the inside, that was what captured men's hearts and souls. Im looking forward to spending as much time with her as I can. I need to..
- I LOVE LOVE LOVE to ride the Metro here. All the stations are so beautiful...stone, marble, murals made of bright colors and lights cover the walls. I was excited when I purchased my Metro card this week! Now i just need to learn how to get from Point A to Point B without ending up in a different country, on accident!
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