The last 9 days have been, wonderful very FAST and memorable, As well as, trying, uncomfortable ( at first) and a bit tiring. :)
For starters, I was asked if I would tuitor a little boy who was in my Pre-k class last semester, as It has come out that he has ADHD and some struggles with classroom behavior, focusing in class, all of which are heightning by the lack of English he understands. SO, for an hour 2 days a week my goal is to try and help this energetic, unaware of the concept of space and how to use it appropriately, always to enduring little boy. When in my classe I always had other subs tell me they didn't know how I got him to listen to me, ( said with disheveled hair and the look of exhaustion as their exiting my room :)) to which I would always think, " Man Lord, thank you for making something in this little man respond to me because I do not feel like I am doing anything at all!" Who knew that the Lord would place him in my care once again, and put the responsibility on my shoulders to offer him a chance to remain at SCA, and be able to have the chance to move up to 1st grade! Huge. Really Lord?! The girl who herself needed tutoring all through her life...even through Collage?! Your using me to now just doesn't make sense?!"
Today we started, and every 5-7 minutes or so I would see "that look" that I remember myself...all too well, the look of " Im now thinking of butterflies and castles though i'm looking right at you teacher". And when I saw the glazed look I would stop whatever we were working on, get up and start jumping around with him, singing songs like "If your happy and you know it" and do what I had wished some of my Humanities and Biology teachers had done in Collage. :) It woke him back up, wore the daydreaming out of him and I would have his full attention, we would sit down and he would work deligently for another 5-7 minutes! :) Bless his heart.
Please pray for guidance on my part to know how to correctly teach and help him for only 2 hours a week, for I am really praying for a miricle in this little boys life. He has had so many testings recently, been sent to numerous doctors, finally diagnosed, and on top of that, is in a school where I KNOW how he feels all the time, " teacher is looking at me and talking...but what is she saying!???!"
Another ministry opportunity I had was to be able to sing with my ministry team from church ( By God's Spanish)) at a missions conference here in Santiago! What a special moment that was for me...another one of those " This is all you Lord" moments for sure.
The songs we sang were Holy Holy Holy and Imortal Invisible God -Laura Story's version. My pastor introduced me to the Conference speaker...and when he had heard of my father, it was again one of those ' Its a small world' moments as well as reminder of what gratitude I should ALWAYS haveto the Lord for the parent's who lovingly chose to give me.

I was asked by a missionary who is heading up our ABWE Thanksgiving Retreat, if I would help lead the worship along with a few other people for that weekend get-a-way, and that made me excited!!!...Its finally worshipping in ENGLISH!!!! :)
I've learned that sometimes people just need an ear to listen to them, no opinions or side comments needed, just listening. That was something I realize needed work in my life, and man is the Lord working on me. I told my mom recently that I love skyping with her because I can just talk...and talk...and talk because I miss having someone here who I feel I can truly just talk to, and who will continue to love me the same after the conversation. My mom, I realize has been that ear to whole life. And I only wish I had of been that ear for her, that instead I chose to put in a comment, correct or brush off. Yikes, I hate even admiting that. But having had those reactions be what I have encountered the most, I appreciate the ear my mother offers so freely, the sensitivity to feelings and willingness to just ..listen.
I want my room to be the room that someone knows they can walk into and have someone who cares about their life..who asks how they are doing... and sincerely mean it. Not hoping for the question to be asked in return. I am praying for Ears that listen, more.
The weeks are flying by so quickly, and I am thankful for each and every opportunity I have to spend in worship to my King, with my church family, or with my 5 ( now 6) little faces that greet me with " Goodmorning ms. Candace" every single day. The days are going to quickly, but somehow we are keeping up with the ciriculum, going through the Alphabet and at the letter "I i" and their faces are continually reflecting the light bulbs that are continually going off.
How I have been ministered through the Bible stories I have been teaching my children this Semester. Stories we all "Have heard" but here recently, have been felt in the inner most part of my spirit and soul, in ways that is new, and different. David having courage to approach the giant, Ruth leaving her comfort zone in loyalty to someone she loved, and faith in God's plan, Daniel choosing obedience when He knew the consequence, to deny His flesh..the strength of Character He posessed, and the favor of God that followed him through his life...because of that, as well as His willingness to forgive and choose to love in instead.
The Lord has been speaking through these stories and through the paintings we painted, the puppets we've made, or the play-dough figures that have been created, the stories seemed to just come more alive, Bible time ( may or may not) be taking up more time than it should if I stick to the "schedual". Who needs scheduals though right?! :)
On Thursday I will be cooking a couple dinner dishes for my Pastor's family as my pastor's wife fell and broke her knee.Please be praying for 2 things...
The Dinner dishes turn out edible
That Naldy recovers quickly
For now I will part by saying....Gracias De Dios.
Where would I be...But for the
Grace of God, and some good tuitors! :)
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