Graduation, Goodbyes, Great times, and God's plan.

Graduation:Has my first semester in Santiago Chile really come to an end already??! Yes it has!??And What an emotionally charged, difficult while at the same time... special week it was . For me it marked the completion of my first semester here in a brand new country, having the opporunty to teach in a totally different enviroment, all while having peace in knowing I was where God wanted me. It has been made so clear to me in so many different ways, that this is where God wants me, that I confirmed with ABWE that I will be coming back for a second year. :) I get excited just thinking abou tit!! His plan was for me cotninues to be far better than mine ever would of been. What a blessing I knew it was to get to do something I love every single day, and being able to share christ any moment of every day!! It was a mildstone for sure that I know I will always remember. Seeing how my little ones were excited about Kindergarten as they should be, yet seemed to realize the reality of them leaving, thus propelling them to give me special "extra" hugs and kissses. On Thursday I wanted to have a little gradution party that was just our class, some yummy snacks, indiviual awards, since in the Elementary Awards Ceremony only 4 children could be given awards. All 13 of my little ones got a different award and what a joy it was to hand them out and see the pride and confidence of their faces. Some of the rewards were " The best reader, The best friend to others, The Star Student, The best Artist, The Teacher Helper Ect" Their squealing with delight and anticpation everytime a name was called was Such a fun way to end the semester and a sweet picture in my mind.
The 2 countries that I love!! Ameria and Chile! |
She said " I will see you again Ms. Candace" And I believe I will be making a special trip up to Liberty when I am home to see her! :) |
A teacher who i've enjoyed getting to know through our after school bible study |
They didd such a great job decorating the church for the graduation! |
Goodbyes: I had a missionary tell me at the Graduation ceremony on Friday evening that the life of a missionary is a life of sayiing
goodbye. People come to the field, they serve, they attend your school, they visit your church, and then they leave..and I am finding that reality to be very true...already.
However, with that said, I also feel it is such a wonderful opportunity to meet so many different people from different backgrounds and cultures, be blessed by the relationship you form, and then grin and bear the goodbye while recognizing the blessing that short relationship was and
will always be tucked somewhere in your memory. Many of these Senior girls are sweet memories I will always cherish, and though goodbyes were difficult, I am thankful for facebook-skype- and the certainty that I will see at least 2 of my future liberty students again. God's timing was perfect in bringing me here for their last semester here, because I was truly blessed by the senior trip, game nights, and just getting to see them every day as I walked with my children to the play ground. I will miss their sweet " Hey Ms. Candace!!" :)
Great times: I have a wonderful, spirit filled, family that I call my home church. And I am continually blessed by them. I was asked to sing in the church praise team months ago and we began practicing this weekend!! I am still amazed at how the Lord directed my steps in leading me to this church, in knowing the ways I desired to serve, and how I am seeing the opporunties to serve rise outta the woodwork! We will be singing in Spanish ( DUH!) haha I know I know, but it is so great to be able to learn Hymns in another Language, I just love it!! I spent the weekend with a good friend from the Church, Tamara, as well as the Pastor's family...and 2 things I love about the chilean Culture.
1. The party never ends.
2. They are always eating. The first night at my pastor's house we ate lunch at 4pm and dinner at 10 pm! :) My pastor told me that He wanted to be "my father and my protector " while I am here, and man how he and his family has shown me in so many ways that they mean what they say. For those of you who have been praying for me,
thank you. My church is a direct answere to every single prayer.
Spending My first few days of Winter Vacation with with my Pastor's family!! |
God's Plan-
Please pray for my Uncle tim. As we found out he has Cancer. I trust the Lord and His plan, but my heart and human side worries and feels fear of the unknown and the future. His wife has shown such encredible faith in her postings on facebook that i just can't help but be amazed by her. I love my uncle so much, and his joy in life and personality has blessed all who know him, and so I just go to the Lord and ask you to also, with me. :)
I am amazed a whole semester has come to a concusion, but man how I love this
city, the
people of Santiago, and teaching 5 year olds. I am thankful that with God's strength I was able to become involved and invest in not only my students and SCA, but equally within a church and relationships outside of SCA...with the people of this city. Gracias De Dios!
Thank you for praying...and as this semesters ends I ask that you pray for the
7 graduates of SCA, that they would seek to honor the Lord with their lives.
Pray for my
Church, the Pastor and His wonderful family, and for financial burdens they face every day.
And also pray for my
uncle and his wonderful family, for peace, healing and strength in te days to come.
Continued prayer for my Spanish as it is coming along!!! But I have so much more to learn :)
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